The Agility Connection

Connect with your dog and a community of agility lovers

Agility can be a lonely sport if you don't have a supportive environment. It can be hard to find ideas and inspiration for training and the right mindset for competitions. The strongest connection will always be the one you have with your dog – but what if you're just not connecting?

Is your dog enthusiastic and engaged in the agility ring, or do you feel like you have to convince him to work with you? Does your dog understand what you're asking of him, or do you find agility frustrating and full of conflict?

If your training isn't progressing, or your dog is showing signs of low engagement or frustation, you might be working on the wrong things. Don't miss out on the connection you could have with your dog –  let's grow and find joy in every training session. 

With years of experience with dogs of all types, we're sure to help you find solutions and inspiration that will take your agility training to a new level of fun.

An Agility Connection on many levels

The Agility Connection is a subscription based program designed to inspire and teach. Our focus is on fantastic dog training, so that any dog can fly through the really difficult courses with confidence. We're also a community of agility lovers where you can find meaningfull connections with other trainers and handlers like you from around the world.  

Challenging training courses broken down into manageable exercises that build confidence

Puppy and foundation training

Forums and feedback to connect you with others